What We Have Learned. "Happy Cells Make Healthy Bodies" ~ Vickie Barker
"Conclusions of Frederick Klenner, M.D."
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"The KEY To Good Health"
In 1951 this publication was known as the: Amazing New Research Report CLICK HERE |
This Book Will Change the Way You Think About Health and Disease FOREVER! Dr. Klenner explains clearly how to aid your natural protection against viruses, bacterias, sprays,
gases, fallout, poisons, alcohol, auto exhaust, tobacco
smoke and crud in your polluted food, drinking water
and the air you breathe.
This book is dedicated to:
is worth more than 8,297 “expert opinions”
We've all heard the saying "hindsight is 20/20". How true we find that to be when researching history in the areas of health and disease. It appears that safer, simpler and more effective approaches used by Dr. Klenner and other health professionals in the past were abandoned with the rise of the industrial revolution, the petro/chemical companies and the pharma/medical cartel. And now in the present we see the giant pharma phood corporation take charge of the nation's food supply. What may lie ahead for us we can only imagine.
This will become quite clear as you review the material in this book and find that many of the facts and findings have actually been published in the JAMA's own medical journals.
I find it hard to believe that the practicing physicians today have this knowledge because during the time I placed my own health care needs in the hands of over some 70 licensed Health Care Professionals and Medical Specialists, NOT ONE referred me to the facts, findings and conclusions reported by Dr. Frederick Klenner or by the other medical doctors referenced in this publication.
This book will allow ANYONE access to these simple facts and how and when to apply them in the comfort of their own home. Please share this with your doctors, as I would like to believe, they should want to know.
Armed with this information, the health industry is about to change - forever.
Do not let the Hugh Downes book guide you away from the even simpler and more effective truth you will find in this simple amazing 88 page report. The Conclusions of Fred R. Klenner, M.D. will literally change the way you think and deal with health and disease FOREVER.
Get This Amazing Research Report Today! "Conclusions of Frederick Klenner, M.D."
| The Health Industry is about to Change.
 Now You Can Be A Part of That Change! | |
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You may also make this book available to others free of charge by sending them a link to your book and/or uploading the file to your own server and website (this is highly recommended as mirroring information on the internet may protect from loss (non-intentional or otherwise). This version can also be printed and copied for easy distribution to those that may not have access to the Internet.
Special Notice! If you or someone you care for is sick and you can not afford the $5.00 Service, Handling & Hosting Fee please contact Vickie Barker at the AnnyBelle Foundation HERE and we will make arrangement for you to obtain a copy at no charge. No one should be denied this information only because of an inability to pay.
Please Note: "Advanced Scientific Health (ASH) Researchers have no need or reason to diagnose, prescribe or recommend treatment for any so-called dis-ease. ASH Researchers have learned that if we but give back to our body that which it was intended to have, in the correct form and proper ratio, that it can and does heal itself. We have learned how and what to give back to the body through research at the cellular level. We feel it is our responsibility to share this knowledge with others."
Vickie Barker - AID Coordinator ASH Researcher since 1999
Contact Vickie Barker
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.
"The character or beliefs of the scientist are irrelevant; all that matters is whether the evidence supports his contention. Arguments from authority simply do not count; too many authorities have been mistaken too often." ~ Carl Sagan, Broca's Brain (1974)